Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You should see this


A trailer for the new Documentary on global warming called "An Inconvenient Truth"

Critic Roger Ebert says: "You owe it to yourself to see this film" In the same review he likens the "debate" over global warming to the "debate" tobacco companies created between the 1960's and 1980's around the reality that smoking increasing the risk of cancer.

Despite the "debate" around smoking many smokers did get cancer.

I acknowledge some may see this as political because of the name on the documentary but there is a lot to back up what is being said. Peer reviewed journals overwhelmingly acknowldege what is going on. Climatic scientists unfortunately do not have the advertizing budgets to get their message on for-profit news channels which are sponsored by oil company commercials.

Please at least watch the trailer and if you are an over-achiever go see the movie. At the very least you will be better informed. I for one think it is time to stop branding everyone who talks about the environment and conservation as a liberal.


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