Friday, June 16, 2006

Poked and Prodded

Poked and Prodded

While getting undressed in an exam room on Monday I heard the nurse telling someone outside the door to “give the guy in there everything but a pregnancy test.” I was free to go from my Antarctic medical exam after two hours but only after I had been plugged into an EKG, had numerous reflex tests, was asked about every scar on my body (and why I only have freckles on half of my neck) had given a urine sample and lost five vials of blood; which, by the way is fun if you haven’t been allowed to eat anything in the past 12 hours. There were a few other more routine things but luckily for me I’m under 40 so I got to skip the prostate exam.

That paperwork is now all filed and sent in. Now I just have to wait for the test results and a dental exam and I should be cleared for departure to “the ice” in August.

I got my computer re-imaged last week so this week I decided to go for the FullGoogle and installed the Google Pack with all of its wonderful options for indexing my personal data. The scary feature I saw was sharing information on what websites have been viewed across computers. I know Google had stood up for privacy but I don’t really want a list of all the websites that I’ve been to kept anywhere, much less a server that could be in a foreign country. Guess I’ll have to stop looking at those anarchist-weapons-of-mass-Pr0n sites.

I probably wouldn’t have thought too much about the data aggregation if I hadn’t just signed a paper three days ago saying I waved my rights to privacy in the mail being sent to me through the US Air Force while I am in Antarctica. So please refrain from forwarding me any copies of Anarchist-Weapons-Of-Mass-Pr0n Monthly.

In other news this week I was volunteering at the Hospital where I got to deliver all the flowers from the loading dock to the patient rooms. Being the “flower guy” has its perks since everyone is instantly happy and grateful when you walk into the room. (unless, of course, they are comatose) It beat the job I had a couple years ago of bringing people to the morgue.

The hospital also seemed to be having a special on newborn babies. I must have gotten to every room in the maternity wing. One person got a bleeding heart hanging plant that was more like a bush and took up half of the elevator on the way up. A couple of neo natal rooms had multiple deliveries. (of flowers that is)

I have a job on Monday as a “patient” for medical technicians and nurses who are being tested on caring for bed-ridden patients. Apparently I have to lie in a bed and seem grumpy and in pain while they try adjusting the bed, changing bandages and being tested on other skills for dealing with people who can’t move very well. Should be fun. :)


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